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Why Do I Get Sock When I Get a Sunburn

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A bad sunburn can be painful, irritating, and tough to get rid of quickly. We've looked into it for you, and the very best thing you can do to diminish the intense redness is to take actions to properly heal and conceal your skin. After this, ease your discomfort with medication, cool temperatures, and other remedies. Prevent yourself from burning next time by protecting your skin with sunscreen and protective clothing, and by practicing awareness.

  1. 1

    Drink a lot of water. Try to drink at least 10 full glasses of water each day for a week after your sunburn. This will help your body to re-hydrate which will, in turn, aid in the healing process. Drinking water while you are out in the sun will also help you to avoid heatstroke and other heat-related medical conditions.[1]

    • At the same time, make sure to avoid consuming any alcohol during your recovery period. This will only dehydrate you and dry out your skin even more.[2]
  2. 2

    Apply aloe vera. This is the traditional go-to remedy when dealing with a burn. The gel of the aloe vera plant has natural anti-inflammatory properties and can speed up the healing process if applied correctly. You can buy a store-brand product that contains aloe, but it is best to use the gel directly from a plant when possible to ensure there aren't any additional ingredients that will irritate your sunburn.[3]

    • To remove the gel from a plant, break off a single full stem. Cut the stem open lengthwise. Open the stem and scrape out the gel using a spoon or your finger. Apply the gel to your skin between 2-3 times a day.[4]
    • Even if you do not have the real aloe vera plant, you can still use the gel. Rub the gel onto your sunburn(s) at least 2-3 times a day, including before you go to sleep.
    • For extra relief, you could also fill up an ice cube tray with aloe vera and freeze it, making aloe cubes that you can rub on your burn. (Wrap the cubes in a light hand towel before touching them to your skin). You can also apply aloe gel to your face in an overnight mask.[5]
  3. 3

    Create a baking soda paste. Get out a small bowl and mix equal parts baking soda and cornstarch. Add cool water until it reaches a thick enough consistency to apply to your skin. Both of these primary ingredients may take some of the redness out the burned areas. Rinse the paste and reapply as needed to soothe your skin.[6]

  4. 4

    Use witch hazel. You can use the leaves and bark of the witch hazel plant for medicinal purposes. The "tannins" contained in witch hazel may help to repel bacteria and promote healing. Look for a vial of witch hazel extract at your local natural foods store. Use a cotton ball to apply the extract to your skin.[7]

  5. 5

    Apply apple cider vinegar to the area. You can fill up a bottle and spray the vinegar directly on your skin for relief. Or, you can soak cotton balls in vinegar and place them on your skin. Vinegar is a known anti-inflammatory, so it may speed up the healing process.[8]

    • Be aware that some people react badly to apple cider vinegar. It is a good idea to apply a small amount on the back of your hand, via a cotton ball, before putting it all over your body. This will allow you to watch your body's reaction on a small scale to make sure you will be okay.
  6. 6

    Apply potato slices to the area. Many natural healers swear that potatoes can reduce pain and inflammation. Get a few potatoes and use a knife to cut them into thin slices. Then, place these slices on the burnt areas of your skin. Rotate the slices until you feel some relief.[9]

    • You can also dice or shred a potato and place it into a blender. Blend for a few pulses and then apply the resulting paste (being careful to include the potato juices) onto your skin.
    • Make sure to carefully wash the potatoes before slicing or dicing.
  7. 7

    Apply live cultured yogurt. This one is a bit of a long-shot but, if nothing else, the cool temperature of the yogurt may soothe your skin. Get out a cup of plain, probiotic yogurt and apply a light coating to your burned skin using a cotton ball. Let the yogurt sit on your skin for around 5 minutes before wiping off with a clean damp towel.[10]

  8. 8

    Wear loose and dark clothing. Light, cotton garments that fall away from the skin are your best options during your recovery period. These items will let your skin breathe, preventing stagnation and lessening the possibility of infection. Stick to darker colors as they will draw less attention to your skin. Avoid whites and neon colors as they will create contrast with the redness, making it more noticeable.[11]

  9. 9

    Use make-up to cover the redness. Apply a green-tinted primer to the burned areas to counterbalance the appearance of redness. Don't apply blush as it will only increase the red look. Use a light hand with make-up, however, as you can run the risk of skin irritation.[12]

  1. 1

    Take pain medication. As soon as you get out of the sun, take an over-the-counter (OTC) anti-inflammatory medication, such as aspirin or ibuprofen.[13] Go ahead and ingest the highest recommended dose for at least the first 24 hours to kick-start the healing process. Keep taking the medication until the immediate discomfort from the burn has subsided.

    • No matter how much pain you feel, it is critical that you follow the dosage instructions for OTC or prescription pain medications. Taking more than the proper dosage can cause serious medical injuries, such as liver damage. Read the label carefully to determine how many pills to take and at what intervals.
    • Make sure that you are also aware of any possible pain medication side effects or drug interactions. These are often also listed on the bottle's label or you can contact your doctor with any questions. For example, people with bleeding issues are often advised to avoid consuming Aspirin.
    • You can also get a small bowl, drop one or two aspirin tablets into it, and crush them into a paste (adding a little water, if needed). Then, apply this paste to the most burned areas. Wipe off after a few minutes. However, for health safety reasons, do not crush and use more pills than the recommended dosage on the bottle or apply this paste while also taking a pain medication orally.[14]
  2. 2

    Take a high dose of vitamin D. Read the label for over-the-counter vitamin D tablets, and take the highest recommended dose as soon as possible after you've been in the sun. This can help keep your burn from getting worse, and may help prevent the burn from blistering.[15]

  3. 3

    Apply a cool cloth to the area. Pull out a soft cotton washcloth and dip it into cool, not cold, water. Wring it out slightly and then place it on your skin. Re-soak the cloth and repeat as necessary. The cool compress will help soothe your skin, making you feel more comfortable.[16]

    • You can also dip the cloth in whole cold milk. The fatty acids in the milk will help neutralize the burning and stinging caused by your sunburn.[17]
  4. 4

    Take a cool bath. Run a bath for yourself using cool, not cold, water. Soak for a bit. For even more benefit, fill up a clean sock with 2 cups of uncooked oatmeal and tie it off at the end. Place the filled sock in the tub with you and squeeze it to release the juices. The oatmeal's polysaccharides will coat and calm your skin.[18]

    • You can also, of course, dump the raw oats directly into the tub with you, but expect more of a clean-up this way.
    • Resist the urge to scrub off with soap or a body cleanser while in the tub. This will only dry your skin out and extend the healing process.[19]
  5. 5

    Soothe with cucumber. Add a bit of cucumber to your water for a relaxing way to hydrate. Place thin slices of cucumber on your burn. Or, blend cucumbers to create a mask that you can then apply to your face or elsewhere. All of these approaches will maximize the antioxidant properties found in cucumbers.[20]

    • Feel free to mix the cucumber paste with aloe vera gel for even more of a healing boost.
  6. 6

    Drink some tea. Make yourself a cup of green tea. You can either drink the tea directly or dip some cotton balls into it and apply it to your skin. The antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties of the tea may reduce redness and swelling, allowing your skin to heal.[21]

  7. 7

    Avoid applying ice. It is very tempting to pluck a few cubes out of the freezer and place them directly onto your skin. Resist this urge as that type of extreme cold can actually damage your skin, even more, killing the skin cells in the process. Instead, if you really want to use ice, wrap the cubes in a soft, clean washcloth before touching them to your skin.

  8. 8

    Do not pick at the affected area. Resist the urge to run your fingers over your skin, removing flakes as you go. Your dead skin will fall off in due time without your direct assistance. Forcibly exfoliating your skin too early can lead to scarring or infection. This is especially the case if you puncture any raised areas or sores.[22]

    • Once your skin has returned to a close-to-normal color and is pain-free then you can spend some time exfoliating it with a soft sponge or scrubber.
  9. 9

    Consult with a doctor. Make an appointment to see a physician if your sunburn develops blisters or seems to be swelling. If you see any pus coming from the burned areas, it can be a sign of possible infection. You can also see a doctor if your burn is simply making you miserable and the home remedies seem to have no effect.[23]

    • Depending on your specific situation, your doctor will most likely give you a corticosteroid cream. They may also prescribe an antibiotic if your burn shows signs of infection.
  1. 1

    Apply sunscreen before going out. Purchase a broad-spectrum (also called a full-spectrum) sunscreen that will block both UVA and UVB rays. Get a sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of at least 50, the higher the better. Then, apply the cream to your skin at least 20 minutes before heading outside. This allows the sunscreen to begin working before you are actually exposed to the sun, thus preventing burning.[24]

    • As you consider various sunscreen brands, consider what activities you'll be doing that will require protection. If you will be in the water, then you'll want a sunscreen that is water-resistant. If you are hiking, you may need a sunscreen that includes insect repellant.
  2. 2

    Reapply sunscreen on a regular basis. You should aim to reapply your sunscreen at least every 90 minutes. This interval may need to be shortened if you are sweating heavily or spending time in the water. When you reapply, don't rush. Make sure to coat all exposed parts of your body.[25]

    • For each application you can estimate using a nickel-sized portion on your facial area and two shot glasses worth of lotion on your body.
  3. 3

    Wear a hat. It is almost impossible to apply sunscreen to your scalp and that makes this area very susceptible to burning. To prevent a painful head burn, wear a solid hat when venturing outdoors for extended periods of time. This will also offer some protection for your face as well.[26]

  4. 4

    Pay attention to your body's signals. Your body will often tell you when it has had enough of the sun. Pause in your activities for a moment and evaluate your condition. Does your skin feel overly warm? Are you starting to notice feelings of tightness? Are you experiencing any pain at this point? If you answer "yes" to any of these questions, head indoors.

  5. 5

    Ask your friends to check you out. If you are outside with other people you can always ask them to look you over. However, the reflection from the sun on your skin can often mask the visual signs of a burn, so it may be difficult for them to accurately gauge if you are headed in that direction.

  6. 6

    Be very careful when recovering. It can take up to six months for your skin to fully heal after a sunburn. If you are burned again during this interval, the healing process can come to a standstill. While you are healing, be careful with your body and limit your time in the sun.[27]

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    How can I heal my sunburn faster?

    Mohiba Tareen, MD

    Mohiba Tareen is a board certified Dermatologist and the founder of Tareen Dermatology located in Roseville, Maplewood and Faribault, Minnesota. Dr. Tareen completed medical school at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, where she was inducted into the prestigious Alpha Omega Alpha honor society. While a dermatology resident at Columbia University in New York City, she won the Conrad Stritzler award of the New York Dermatologic Society and was published in The New England Journal of Medicine. Dr. Tareen then completed a procedural fellowship which focused on dermatologic surgery, laser, and cosmetic dermatology.

    Mohiba Tareen, MD

    FAAD Board Certified Dermatologist

    Expert Answer

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    Taking a high dose of over-the-counter vitamin D within an hour of getting a sunburn can really help speed up the healing process. Aloe straight from the plant is also beneficial, but avoid using creams that contain aloe, because the stabilizers and the preservatives in the cream can be detrimental to the healing process. Also, cool compresses can help alleviate some of your discomfort, especially if you use whole milk, because the fatty acids in milk will neutralize the burning and stinging.

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  • Don't apply apple cider vinegar to your sunburn without first diluting it significantly with water. Pure apple cider vinegar will be far too acidic and cause further damage and additional pain.

  • Over-the-counter moisturizers get a bad rap when it comes to burns. Buy a water-based moisturizer and then place it in the fridge to cool. Applying it to your burns should help a bit.

  • Be patient with the healing process. Most sunburns begin to visibly improve within a week or less.[28]

  • If you want to expedite the healing process, you might try LED laser therapy treatments. These applications promote healing and can be done immediately following a burn.[29]

  • If you are experiencing severe swelling, a high temperature, dizziness, nausea, or headaches along with your burn, then get medical attention immediately. You could be experiencing sun poisoning.[30]

  • Be aware that certain medications, such as particular antibiotics, can make you particularly susceptible to the sun's rays, potentially resulting in a sunburn.[31]

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Article Summary X

To reduce the redness of a sunburn, drink at least 10 cups of water a day to help your body heal. If you can, apply the gel from an aloe vera plant to your burn 2-3 times a day. You can also buy aloe vera gel or witch hazel from the store and apply that instead. To reduce how red your skin appears, wear loose dark clothing and apply a green tinted foundation to the burned area. Apply sunscreen and wear a hat if you spend time outdoors to avoid making the burn worse. For tips on relieving the pain from a sunburn, scroll down!

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Why Do I Get Sock When I Get a Sunburn
